Squier Thomas Delonge Strat Reviews 5

I paid £219 pounds for this guitar and it is one of the best buys I have ever made. it is a unique sound and an excellent quality, it is the most simple and effective guitar i have ever played on or owned, it is crystal clear sound, all it has is a dual humbucker made by duncan and one vloume control, its all i need, i mean who uses all the tones and coil taps and other shit. no one. a good buy

i love everything about this guitar and the fact that blink rocks does not effect anything, good for anyone who plays punk rock, i am part of a band called angry youth, youll hear us someday and see how good the guitar actually is,

the only thing i don't like that much about the guitar is the colour, but who cares about colour when the guitar itsself is rad.

the quality is superb, nothing is wrong with it and its sound is amazing

Buy this guitar it is well worth it

Sean Houghton Angry youth rated this unit 5 on 2002-11-20.

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